The Boodjidup Brook Gold Rush

The 1896 Gold Rush

Later named STOCKYARD CREEK by the Goldminers because of the resemblances to a goldfield in Gippsland Victoria.

On Jan 215t 1888 a Bullock Driver while crossing the Boodjidup Brook saw what he believed to be gold shinning in the bottom of the brook. The area was very thickly forested with only very few wagon trails to follow. The timber industry was the main user of the trails with cattle and horse leases taking up large areas of forest.

On the 26 June 1896 a prospector from the Kalgoorlie Gold Rush name Mr John Lord, who originated from Adelaide, followed up on the discovery and pegged the first claim for gold, p.a.167. A reward claim was granted and part [A] of the gold rush started. Many claims were pegged for gold around the first lease. The highest assay for the reward claim was 66oz 2dwt 11gr per newspaper reports.

The adjoining claim East of Reward claim P.A. 170 Gerald Ascione reported rough gold and shafts where reef gold was reported. The position of this claim is where the old railway crosses the Boodjidup Brook

There are three shafts and diggings still remaining on the western side of Bussell Hwy, on P.A. 189, dug by James Ascione, where rough gold exists. There were many costeans reported by local farmers under the Bussell Hwy. near the shafts.

Part [B] of the Gold Rush was started 6 months later when Mines Dept. recorded a Thomas Moriarty finding gold assayed at 32 oz per ton on the Boodjidup Brook located where the Caves Rd and Boodjidup Rd enters. Main claim, 100m south. Other claims are under the Leeuwin Winery Vineyard.

The 1933 Gold Rush

Arthur Dee at Boodjidup Brook
On September 25th 1933 Arthur Dee applied for a reward claim after his daughter Esella Dee Known as Stella found a gold nugget in a creek while playing. A gold reef was discovered and the rush was on. 19 leases were applied for.

The centre was 2Klm west of Wadandi Track, along Gnarrawary Road